(727) 246-3600

For all updates regarding school closures during the storm, please see our weather page.


Any parent, community member, business member, teacher, or student interested in serving on our SAC committee for the 2022 – 2023 school year should contact Mrs. Abbatello at (727) 246-3600.

Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:30pm.

What is a School Advisory Council?

We are seeking members for the School Advisory Council (SAC), including parents, students and community members. Students, this is a great opportunity to be involved in the direction of your school.

The School Advisory Council is a means for community/parent involvement in and support of the schools. It is composed of the principal, teachers, educational support employees, parents, business and community partners, and secondary students. This working committee is involved with developing and implementing our school improvement plan. The council is advisory in nature and meets monthly during the year. Meeting dates are adjusted if the council deems necessary. The public is invited to attend.

Typical SAC activities include:

  • Meeting monthly to discuss school improvement
  • Reviewing the results of any needs assessment
  • Providing recommendations on the goals of the school
  • Suggesting strategies to accomplish school goals
  • Preparing and distributing info to parents and the public

How can I become a member of SAC?

  1. Elected members of the SAC include teachers, educational support personnel, and parents.
  2. Members are also appointed to the council by the Principal to represent businesses and the community.
  3. A chairperson is elected annually by the SAC membership.

Click here to learn more about SAC.

Meeting Minutes:

SAC Meeting Minutes 11.18.21

SAC  Meeting Minutes 10.20.22

SAC Meeting Minutes  9.15.22

SAC Meeting Minutes 4.21.22

SAC Meeting Minutes 3.24.22

SAC Meeting Minutes 2.17.22

SAC Meeting Minutes 1.22.21

SAC Meeting Minutes 12.16.21

SAC Meeting Minutes 11.18.2021

SAC Meeting Minutes 10.21.2021

SAC Meeting Minutes 9.30.2021

GTES SAC Meeting Minutes Jan 2020

GTES SAC December 2019

GTES SAC November 2019

SAC Minutes-September